Hello! My name is Hamed, and I am a self-taught developer with experience in technologies such as React, Next.js, Angular and TypeScript. As a Civil Engineer who transitioned into the world of development, I have applied my profound engineering background to various professional and personal projects. My path to becoming a developer has been the best part of my career, making me eager to learn every day, improve myself, and create attractive solutions.

There are different things that I do when I am not coding! From creating stop-motions to play ping pong! I also like to watch documentries. I am also a couchsurfer and a lot of time I spent time with my guests (or when I am traveling with my hosts). One of my favorite book that I have been introduced to read once I landed in Poland was Shah of Shahs by Ryszard Kapuściński.

In case you want to contact me please refer to my Github, Linkedin or my CV